
We are Celeste and Ness – two queer femmes in our mid 20’s trying to navigate this world and create art that reflects our life experience.

We met as two water sign stoners who bonded over sex stories and our mutual larger-than-life dreams. We both carried this unapologetic energy that made us want to create together. 

In the Winter of 2021, in the depths of the pandemic, we craved community. We craved togetherness. We craved to be in a room full of creative femmes who live their lives as radically as we do. We sat together on a cold winter night and exchanged stories of when we felt the most connected to our divine feminine. We discussed how the divine feminine influenced the art we make and the communities we enter.

When do we feel the most connected to your feminine divine?

What do we look for in a queer community?

Our hope with Guava Pussy is that we can help create deeper connections with our own individuality through the divine femme. We believe this allows us to build stronger pathways to community and commune. We want to create beauty and art, uplifting voices and the gathering of ideas towards a greater movement – something that is bigger than all of us. 

The name Guava Pussy represents our feminine ego. It’s a confidence booster knowing that we are everything we want to be. People either have that unapologetic spirit or they don’t. Although we are exploring these large questions, we want GP to be playful, lighthearted and nostalgic. We want to be the queer teen magazine we always craved. 

Guava Pussy wants to hear from you!